Should you encounter Glis Glis inside premises, we will always undertake a detailed survey and explain the results of our findings prior to commencing any treatment.
Excluding Glis fully from properties once they have taken up residence can be extremely difficult, especially in the case of older properties or those of unusual construction.
Glis are renowned for their abilities to climb any structure and enter through very small openings, normally at roof level.
We are licenced to undertake treatments to trap and remove Glis Glis.
Anyone unfortunate enough to encounter this troublesome pest in their home will probably have suffered a good many sleepless nights. They could probably be described as the teenagers of the pest world due to their lifestyle. They sleep all day, party hard all night and once you have them they can be difficult and costly to get rid of them.
As with any rodent they are capable of causing considerable damage through their gnawing, especially to electrical wiring. We have encountered several occasions where they have drowned themselves in water tanks, requiring the whole system to be drained and disinfected.
As with any other animal they are also the carriers of various diseases which can be harmful to humans.
There remains a good deal of confusion regarding their status, with many people believing them to be a protected species. This may have come about due to their other name of ‘Edible Dormice’.
The Dormouse is fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act; however the Glis is a very different animal. It is in no way related to the dormouse and is not protected. It is classed as a Destructive Introduced Species and as such it is an offence to release them back into the wild once captured.
The confusion in their status has resulted in a good many, well-meaning people, driving several miles and releasing them. This actually aids their spread to areas where they would not normally be encountered and new populations becoming established. Soon more people are suffering sleepless nights, as their homes become populated.
Glis Glis are inactive for the majority of the year and hibernate for up to nine months. This life cycle often gives people the false sense that the problem has gone away, only to return in greater numbers the following year.
Excluding Glis fully from properties once they have taken up residence can be extremely difficult, especially in the case of older properties or those of unusual construction.
Glis are renowned for their abilities to climb any structure and enter through very small openings, normally at roof level.
We are licenced to undertake treatments to trap and remove Glis.
We are also able to offer an exclusion service using experienced members of staff to undertake this work. Any exclusion work is undertaken on a bespoke basis and is subject to a full survey prior to the work being undertaken.